the youth.
A movement using HipHop culture as a tool to uplift the youth living in precarious living conditions.

Get to know the association
HipHop4Hope e.V.
Through Hip Hop culture, we create spaces of belonging and promote the well-being and personal development of the youth. Young people of all backgrounds join to learn about the diverse elements of Hip Hop culture, in order to build confidence and establish a healthy state of mind.
Our team brings together an incredible collection of people from very diverse origins, who all share the same passion, using Hip Hop for Hope to promote the well-being and personal development of youth from precarious living conditions.
Our Projects
Since 2013, Hip Hop 4 Hope has been organising events and supporting youth in Metro Manila. In the Slums a lot of kids are growing up in violent neighbourhoods.
In 2020 we started a project in Athens/Greece dedicated to empowering refugee migrants and young people from precarious backgrounds.
In Germany we hosted several projects in collaboration with school and youth centers. Everyone deserves a space of belonging.
Monthly Report
Annual Report
To support the movement, we need the support of the community. Every single donation helps finance our projects to keep our programs sustainable.
Help us to inspire the youth – Join our world wide movement.